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What does my evaluation campaign contain?

Our Insights department works in close cooperation with our sales teams to create insights and evaluate campaign performance and effects to the benefit of our clients and collaborators. Campaign documentation of all digital Native campaigns. Campaign reach and performance on selected qualitative metrics on all Native campaigns are documented in a final report delivered approximately one week after campaign end.

Our Native final report contains:

  • Total reach (pageviews) on article
  • Pageviews, click & comments on individual channels used
    (Facebook, Newsletters & Instagram)
  • Average time on page
  • Page scroll depth & Article completion rate
  • Links to articles & SoMe posts

Print ad test in selected issues

We test selected advertisements and issues in these brand universes:

  • Bo Bedre – male & female 20-69 years
  • Bolig Magasinet – male & female 20-69 years
  • Costume – female 18-54 years

We measure classic ad metrics such as:

  • Brand awareness
  • Ad reading
  • Ad liking
  • Purchase intent
  • Branding/attitude towards brand

Each ad is tested among 200 readers of the test publication. The report includes results from a benchmark group of 200 NON-readers.

Field work on print ad tests is carried out by Bilendi.